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Satuday, 29/03/2025
Campus & logistic
Farmer Field School Sites
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Community campus
Regional campus
Regional campus
Participatory Action Research - How does SPERI doing the research of Traditional Up-Land Rotational Farming which has been practicing by Indigenous People in Mekong Region (21/03/2021)
Invite healers to share their knowledge of herbal medicinal plants by mapping the village landscape on A0 paper showing location of plants, giving their names and describing their uses, time (season and time of day) of harvesting...
A comparison of Food Sovereignty and Livelihood Sovereignty (02/12/2020)
‘Food Sovereignty’ is defined as “the right of local people to control their own food systems, including markets, ecological resources, food cultures and productive modes
Interdependence between Food Sovereignty, Ecologism and Biological Human Ecology  (21/09/2020)
Food Sovereignty began as an international farmers’ movement in the 1990s. Farmers claimed that the people who produce the food should control its production and distribution
HEPA Eco-Farming School vs Corona (19/06/2020)
Why, when people all over the world feel so scared and worried about the Corona virus (COVID-19), for example, wearing face masks whenever going out, do HEPA and its people keep living so confidently and peacefully in harmony with nature
Eco-farming Practice-based Training (Basic course) 10 – 14 June 2020 (12/06/2020)
HEPA Huyen Vi is a biodiversity preservation area which is located in the upper catchment of the Ngan Pho river. HEPA Huyen Vi was restored from a depleted watershed forest into a rich one with the 50-year land use rights Certificate issued by the Ha Tinh Provincial People’s Committee to the Center of Human Ecological Study of Highland (CHESH) under the Decision No.1230/QĐUB dated 5 June 2002.
Soil, Water, Humus and Micro-Organism Analysis in Piloting Agro-EcoFarming System  (11/09/2018)
Philosophy of Nurturing Nature through eco-farming has been practiced at HEPA’s pilot models located in different villages (Mr. Hoang Huu Phuoc’s garden, An Linh Son farm, Cultural and Ecological village of Violak and HEPA Huyen Vi farm) based on 5 steps of landscape observation

A masterpiece of Nature and People in Kon Plong
10-28-2021 - 03:10:25
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CENDI Code of Conduct and Ethics 2020 - 2023
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CENDI Alert System 2020 - 2023
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2020-2023 CENDI -HEPA structure
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- Beyond nature worship
- Sovereignty for natural nursery
- Freedom factor and figure
- Beyond localization (inter-gengeration)
Cirriculum & courses
- Learning Philosophy
- Foundation course
- Advanced course
- Leadership course
Sustainability & sustainer
- Customary governance
- Family governance
- Alternative vocational governance
- Multicultural governance
Cultural-ecological capital
- Overview
- Profile of elders
- Profile of mother - father trees
- Community forest
Campus & logistic
- Farmer Field School Sites
- Family campus
- Community campus
- Regional campus
12C Pham Huy Thong Str, Ba Dinh Dist, Hanoi City  *  Tel: +84-(0)4-3771 7367  *  Fax: +84-(0)4-3771 5691  *  Email: speri@speri.org
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