HEPA (Human Ecology Practical Area) Farmer Field School (FFS) is a pioneering training dedicated to strengthen indigenous youth. HEPA FFS lies at the heart of the 6 inter-thematic networks action of Mekong Community Network Action for Ecological Trading (MECO-ECOTRA).
Overuse of resources and the lack of a caring attitude towards Human-Nature relationships in many sensitive watershed ecosystems have been the major causes leading to land desertification problems, gradual erosion of social traditions, and the losses of ecological biodiversity.
By the afternoon of September 16th 2013, the Long Lan community had completed building the frame of the kitchen at FFS–Long Lan. There are 23 villagers directly involved in the building process that including four women. An elder of the community, MrXayKhuZang said that if the weather is good, the kitchen and dining room can be completed in around 10 days. The teacher Tran Dinh Phuong and the students of HEPA have finished contours system. A builder Mr. Nghiem Minh Danh and the HEPA students have located and built the foundation of the toilet.
This is great news for Long Lan community, young students in FFS network, as well as for those who love eco-farming for the purpose of keeping traditional values and community identities and working for the community.