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Monday, 31/03/2025
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English class in FFS Long Lan

Coming back to  Long Lan farmer field school (FFS Long Lan) after one month,  I was really surprised to see a class with about 50 H’mong students.  They were six to twenty five years old, and were pronouncing English words in chorus under the guidance of a very young foreign teacher.

Some CHESH Laos’ students who have just finished a course in Vietnam also were there to support them.

In my surprise, I found Vang Sin Min - a CHESH staff member who is a co-manager of FFSs, for the answer. Min shared: "The teacher who you saw in English class is Laura, she is a MSc student of Waikato University in New Zealand.  She has just been in FFS Long Lan since one month for a research on Long Lan community tourism, co-operating with CHESH staff. She is not a professional English teacher." As we talked about English class, Min said this class has been formed because of the need of learning English of Long Lan students. Elders talked to Mr. Chi Ly, village leader and FFS Long Lan manager, to satisfy that students need. Mr. Chi Ly worked together and got support from CHESH Laos about this. The researchers who were going to come here to study about community tourism are native English speakers, so they agreed to organize the English class. The class started one month ago already.

After the conversation with Vang Sin Min, I knew the answer for sure: " English class was formed from the needs of studious youth by the support of elders, village leader and close cooperation with FFS Long Lan".
Long Lan is a village in Luang Prabang district - a famous tourist destination in Laos, so English is really necessary for local people. Especially since Long Lan still maintains the traditional values, we hope that Long Lan villagers by themselves will guide tourists, students and researchers to explore cultural identities and livelihood rights in the Long Lan community.

Best wishes for all Long Lan people and hopefully FFS Long Lan will keep organizing English classes.

Long Lan, 15th September 2014

Source: Tran Thanh Toan (MEDIA - SPERI staff)
Some images at English class in FFS Long Lan


Students writing on the board and practicing English conversations


Panorama of English classes 


FFS staff supporting students English conversation

Recording attentively

MSc student Laura teaching English

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