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Satuday, 22/02/2025
Beyond nature worship
Sovereignty for natural nursery
Freedom factor and figure
Beyond localization (inter-gengeration)
Criteria of the Office / FFSs: 
o  Mild-mannered, polite, sincere (CHARITY - SINCERE - BEAUTY);
o  Always ready to help and assist guests (farmers, partners, staff, etc.) visiting, working at the office (through the specific action);
o  Office manager is responsible for:
  • Share and exchange philosophies, organizational culture to staff, students and people who visit and study at the office / FFSs;
  • Periodically / unofficial exchange,share opinions and cultural values of the organization within the staff in a sincere, honest, candid manner;
o  Reception of guests:
  • Guests of the SPERI Institute: Office-incharge staff guidelines regulations of dining room, bathroom, toilet, area of gathering garbage (organic and non-organic ones); arrange eating and accommodation - outside the office/ FFSs; share and exchange philosophy, principles, models, regulations at the office/ FFSs; organize tours to the models;
  • Guests, who are relatives of staff: Whoever having relative visitors  is responsible for guiding the implementation of these regulations; In case of the visitors’ violation, the relating staff is responsible under the sanction of the Institute; Staff having visitors is responsible for their safety and payment for food costs; regulations of grouping visitors shall be applied to a group of more than 5 people with visiting duration of more than 2 days;
  • There should be prior informed plans, related documents and the consent of the office manager;
  • Grouping visitors shall comply with the regulations of the office / FFSs;
  • Transporting seeds, animal out of HEPA / FFSs without the consent of the responsible person is forbidden;
o  No smoking, no drinking beer and wine (except holidays and special occasions organized by the Institute);
o  No individual work or individual transactions during working time;
o  Do not move the office phone out of the provided area; o Do not use the office phone on personal service.
Drinking water: 
o  Always ensure sufficient drinking water;
o  Use the boiled water, local green tea, herbs or organic products (eco) with clarification of the origin, which have cultural characteristics of each region. Do not use products of unknown origin, industrial products;
o  Syrup, fruit juice (self-processing apricots, strawberries, apple, etc.). Fruit is bought from:
  •  The network members;
  •  At the trusted address; 
Sanitation, cenery inside and outside office: 
o  Make sure that, equipment and furniture are always clean, neat and tidy; o After using equipment and instruments, one should be reset at the right place; and notify the office manager; 3
o  Place boxes for gathering organic and non-organic garbage inside and outside office;
o  Use home flower for decoration and encourage to promote nature-friendly spaces;
o  Make sure clean toilet, available toilet paper and water (at septic-tank toilet), or filler (at compost toilet);
o  All affecting activities (gardening, planting trees, planting for landscape, arrange equipment, furniture, etc.) must be appropriate and in harmony with the local landscape, showing the interaction and support between components and reflecting the lessons (applying the principles of land use planning - permaculture design).

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Other Documents »
- Beyond nature worship
- Sovereignty for natural nursery
- Freedom factor and figure
- Beyond localization (inter-gengeration)
Cirriculum & courses
- Learning Philosophy
- Foundation course
- Advanced course
- Leadership course
Sustainability & sustainer
- Customary governance
- Family governance
- Alternative vocational governance
- Multicultural governance
Cultural-ecological capital
- Overview
- Profile of elders
- Profile of mother - father trees
- Community forest
Campus & logistic
- Farmer Field School Sites
- Family campus
- Community campus
- Regional campus
12C Pham Huy Thong Str, Ba Dinh Dist, Hanoi City  *  Tel: +84-(0)4-3771 7367  *  Fax: +84-(0)4-3771 5691  *  Email: speri@speri.org
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